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Definitely from readers all not know about sports on this one, but it is indeed rarely tersekspose.TONIS is stands for BADMINTON and TENNIS. This sport combines both of these sports into one sport that can be played (what my language too ribet? If Yes, excuse me, hehehehe). The field used is the BADMINTONfield, but the balls used are TENNISballs. Raketnya was made of thick wood Board such as TABLE TENNIS but it is long and wide. Does seem odd, but the sport is really there and taught a certain disekolah-sekolah. But it rarely seen people play this sport. And I know it's already been broadcasted by one television station in a city, and in the event I ever held the race TONIS elementary level to my knowledge.

Links-the links in question:
The opening race of TONIS
INDEPENDENT SOUND-playing TONIS on car free day
Description and origins of TONIS




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Sport this one included in the types of new sport in INDONESIA.The sport itself is one type of HOCKEY that is played indoors. The sport was developed in SWEDEN in 1970.

In addition to the countries that develop it, FLOORBALL is also known in different countries such as the CZECH REPUBLIC, DENMARK, ESTONIA, FINLAND, LATVIA, NORWAY, and SWITZERLAND. In addition there are still some countries which also play this sport, i.e. CANADA, GERMANY, JAPAN, SINGAPORE, MALAYSIA, and the UNITED STATES .

The early history of this game comes from GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN. Initially this was done as a fill in sports kegatan school and leisure activities of the filler. After some time passes, the birth of these sports clubs. Then there is an entity called IFF (INTERNATIONAL FLOORBALL FEDERATION) in 1986.

The early history of the birth of this sport originated from the City of GOTHENBURG, Sweden. At first this sport as a time filler senggan school activities alone, but in the end have given rise to an idea to make this sport is becoming increasingly developed. The countries of SCANDINAVIA are the countries that feel for the first time how the sensation of enjoying this new sport.

In some countries, FLOORBALL many different designations have names, among them: salibandy in Finland, innebandy in SWEDEN and Norway, and unihockey in SWITZERLAND and Germany.

In December 2008, the IFF and the sport of FLOORBALL received recognition from the IOC (INTERNATIONEL OLYMPIC COMITTEE/INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE).IFF hopes, with the recognition that the sport FLOORBALL can be put into the sport has been played in the upcoming OLYMPICS 2020 . 1 month after the admission, the IFF got recognition from SPECIAL OLYMPICS. IFF also hope hope the sport FLOORBALL can be inserted into the 2013 SPECIAL OLYMPICS WORLD WINTER GAMES. In addition to the above, IFF is also part of the members of the GENERAL ASSOCIATION of INTERNATIONAL SPORTS FEDERATIONS (GIAISF).

  1. FLOORBALL World Championship men, every December since 2008
  2. FLOORBALL World Championship Women, every December since 2009
  3. FLOORBALL World Championship U-19 Men, every may since 2009
  4. FLOORBALL World Championship U-19 Women, every month since May 2008

To better know about the sport of FLOORBALL, click the link-links to the following:
Launch of FLOORBALL as a new sport in INDONESIA for a level students at school him that soweth

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PARACHUTE is one of the branches of olarhraga of air was done at an altitude which involves a person must ride the plane first and then after arriving at the desired height, he exited the aircraft while menngunakan fell to Earth jump chute (sorry, too long ... ... hehehe).

The history of this sport has been around since long. Starting in the 15th century when LEONARDO DA VINCI made a painting of MONALISA, he has also made a sketch depicting a PARACHUTE.But there's not much concept ever realized, these sketches would only as an overview/designs waiting to be made. This sketch was originally considered as a rescue tool fires in tall buildings, but not what's most important, he became the first person to sketching supplies PARACHUTE.1 a century passed, and an ITALIAN, FAUSTO VERANZIO, draft a parachute that is different from the sketches of LEONARDO. The concept that he pour in a book entitled MACHINAE NOVA (published in 1595 in VENICE, contains 40 sketch design of machines and equipment). In 1617, FAUSTO managed to realize his design it and try it out from a tower in the city of Venice.

Efforts of LEONARDO and FAUSTO regained by ANDRÉ JACQUES GARNERIN from France.He is a man who is studying physics and then joined the military service in FRANCE at that time. Then he got interested with the hot air balloon. He made the design for the design of the parasutnya,1797 is the year in which he was able to complete his design. 23 October 1797 he tries chute of its findings with results jumped from objects flying in space, JEANNE GENEVIEVE GARNERIN (his wife) are women who first did the stunt parachuting.

In 1919, where named LESLIE IRVIN , UNITED STATES, was the first to create a parachute that can be controlled. Then gradually, the parachutes used for military service in world war. And now much of the parachutes are used as tourist attractions, sports (PARACHUTING), and submission tools help in case of a disaster.

Champion sports PARACHUTE first held in YUGOSLAVIA in 1951. As for some of that stuff, IE such as salto, skysurfing, formation of the canopy, salto, style tandem freefall, and fly free. Usually before doing the action of the PARACHUTE, the sportsman at first by the instructor will first fly to the desired height by using a special aircraft, and then once they arrive at the desired action height plunge began.

To better know about SKYDIVING, please click the link-links to the following:
PARACHUTE (indonesia)
the history of parachute
FASI (Federation Of Aero Sport Indonesia)

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KARATE is the art of sports martial arts originating from JAPAN. Martial arts was first known as the TOTE which means LIKE HANDS of CHINA. When KARATE went into the country of JAPAN, a sense of nationalism and the citizens of JAPAN at that time was tinggi-tingginya. The time of entry into the country of JAPAN, Sensei Gichin Funakoshi changed the TOTE (kanji OKINAWA) became KARATE in order to more easily accepted the community of JAPAN. In JAPAN, KARATE means BARE HANDS.

There are multiple streams in karate. But who is considered the main stream there are only 4, namely:

  1. Shotokan
  2. Gojo-Ryu
  3. Shito-Ryu
  4. Wadō-Ryū
It is according to the Zen-Nippon Karatedo Renmei / Japan Karatedo Federation (JKF) and World Karatedo Federation (WKF). But the flow of the prominent does just that. Still there is a flow of Kyokushin, Shorin-Ryu and Uechi-Ryu. Although all three did not include kedalamjaran 4 the mainstream, but these flows are scattered throughout the world. In these days, KARATE is divided into the traditional flow and flow of the sport.

In learning KARATE, there are some basic exercises.
  1. Basic techniques Kihon: hitting, kicking, ward off
  2. Words: kick/interest KARATE
  3. Kumite: basic training outreach programs
In a match, usually the field measuring 8 metres with a height of 1 meter and 2 meters above the stage as an additional seat. Arena match must be free of things that may give rise to danger. And any competition there are 2 kinds:
  1. KUMITE, is petandingan fights conducted by son and daughter
  2. Pertandinngan displays the WORD, is the mainstay of each style is done by the son or the daughter.
KARATE turned out to have the philosophy that may not have been so recognized by people in General. Namely:
  • RAKKA (flower berguguran): the concept of self-defense or KARATE in defence which meant any movement that needs to be done with a powerful and steady so that using a single kick in the face of the enemy, the enemy could feel the power of this technique and the affected part will certainly feel the pain that spreads to the entire surface of the flowers resemble berguguran.
  • MIZU NO KOKORO (what/that thought like water): in this concept meant that what needs to be guarded and/mind trained in order to be always calm. If what 's/mind calm, it will be very easy to attack or Parry the attack opponents. And what it's like/mind the water in the Lake.

For more knowledgeable about KARATE, please click the link-links to the following:
Description (INDONESIA)
FORKI (Sport Karate-do Federation of Indonesia)

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electronic sports

ELECTRONIC SPORTS or dala Indonesian Language means ELECTRONIC SPORTS is one of the sports conducted by way of playing a competitive Game, gaming professionals, e-sports, and Cybersports which also refers to the term ONLINE GAMES. The game is played in ELECTRONIC SPORTS normally has a strategy for real-time (RTS), fighting, First-Person Shooter (FPS), a Massively-Multiplayer Online (MMOG), and racing. Usually there are multiple levels such as amateur, semi-professional, and professional. And there are also several event support berkembanya this game, among other Major League Gaming (MLG), Global Starcraft League (GSL), World Cyber Games (WCG), DreamHack, and Global Starcraft League team (GSTL) that always delivers a real-time stream of casting game.

From the name alone already we know that ELECTRONIC SPORTS are sports that are played in electronic devices such as laptops, computer, tablet, and a variety of other hardware support. But most of the easy way is to through the internet network. In the world of the internet, sometimes we know a term clan refers to a team that plays ELECTRONIC SPORTS, they make use of Internet Relay Chat (IRC) to find the other clans and exchange information for a game. Even their largest networks also utilizes the IRC (DALnet) to find the information and also competed. The first Game played was QUAKE of FPS (Firts-Person Shooter).

Network ONLINE GAME in the world is the Battle.net , used to play Warcraft, Diablo, and Starcraft Online. On this network memilliki 12juta active users with an average of 1juta-1.5 million users simultaneously Onlline. In addition, there is also a PlayStation that have users around 28juta and Xbox Live 17juta users. The games are provided in ELECTRONIC SPORTS normally using the network LAN to play multiplayer with other players. Play through LAN network has several advantages, such as its own lag less, higher quality, and competitors can do recruitment. Because there is still the possibility of using Modding to play unfairly, some competition to prevent this by supplying all of the hardware that has been provided for the competition.

Video Games have been played competitively since it first appeared. And some of them are still played today. Xtrek , and Netrek is a game which was first played in the era of Unix in 1988. Now the second game to be the oldest game played by Weird Magazines in 2010. During the era of arcade games, notably the Twin Galaxies and the Nintendogame. Then there was Doom, Doom II, Quake in the era of the computer.

Data Division of the League:
  1. Global Warfighter League (GWL): Team Fortres 2, Combat Arms, Star Wars Battlefront 2, Red Orchestra 2, Battlefield 2, Call of Duty: Black Ops. (AMERICAN /international, since 2003).
  2. Ongamenent Star League (OSL): Starcraft. (Korea, since 2000).
  3. MBCgame Star League (MSL): Starcraft. (Korea, since 2003).
  4. Proleague: Starcraft. (Korea, since 2005).
  5. SIXAXIS Games: COD4, Grand Turismo 5, FIFA ' 11, NBA 2K11, Killzone 3. (AUSTRALIA / NEW ZEALAND, since 2008).
  6. Cyber Gamer: Left 4 Dead 2, Call of Duty, counter-strike: Source, Starcraft 2. (AUSTRALIA / NEW ZEALAND / UNITED, since 2007).
  7. Major League Game: Starcraft 2, Halo: Reach, Super SmashBros. Brawl, Call of Duty: Black Ops, League of Legend, Gears of War 3: Possible. (AMERICAN, since 2003).
  8. Pro Gaming League: Halo 3, Halo: Reach, NHL 11. (AMERICA).
  9. ESL Extreme Masters: (International, since 2007).
  10. ESL Major Series: (EUROPE, since 2007).
  11. ESL Pro Series: (EUROPE, since 2002).
  12. The European Team Fortress 2 League: Team Fortress 2. (EUROPE).
  13. Poznan Game Arena: (EUROPE, since 2004).
  14. ClanBase EuroCup: (EUROPE, since 2000).
  15. UKeSA Dell XPS Premiership (ENGLAND).
  16. National Professional Cybersport League: (RUSSIA).
  17. Evolution Championship Series: (AMERICAN, since 2003).
  18. Athens Gaming League: CS 1.6, CS: Source, Call of Duty 4, PES, DotA Allstars. (GREECE).
  19. World Cyber Games: (International, since 2000).
  20. E-Sports Entertainment League: (International).
  21. Cyber Evolution: counter-strike, counter-strike: Source, Call of Duty, Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead. (International).
  22. Tougeki-Super Battle Opera: (JAPAN, since 2003).
  23. Xtreme Professional League: CS 1.6, CS: Source, COD4, America's Army. (International, since 2003).
  24. Electronic Sports World Cup: CS 1.6, Quake Live, Trackmania Nations, WarCraft 3, NFS Shift, DotA, CS Female, Super Street Fighter IV, Guitar Hero 5, Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty. (International, since 2000).
  25. World e-Sports Games: (International).
  26. The Total Gaming League: (International).
  27. GOMTV Global Starcraft League (GSL): Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty. (KOREA /international, since 2002).
  28. North American Star League (NASL): Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty. (AMERICAN /international since 2011).
  29. iRacing.com World Championship Series Road Racing: iRacing.com (International, since 2009).
  30. iRacing.com NVIDIA Series: iRacing.com (International).
  31. NASCAR iRacing.com Series: iRacing.com (International).
  32. NASCAR iRacing.com World Championship Series: iRacing.com (International).
  33. Formula SimRacing: rFactor (International).
  34. Armaroli Sim Racing World Cup: rFactor (International)
  35. Australian Cyber League (ACL): FIFA 11, Halo: Reach, Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty, Call of Duty: Modern Warfre 3,. (AUSTRALIA / NEW ZEALAND, since 2009).
To better know about the ELECTRONIC SPORTS, please click the link-links to the following:
Explanation and understanding the full (English)

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type = ' html ' >Time still definitely some childhood dai readers ever play MARBLES.Yes true, MARBLES is a game that uses small balls made of glass.  On his childhood mostly children INDONESIA spent time with playing games tadisional. But did you know about the history of MARBLES that are actually? OK, please read this post)

There are some materials that can be made or created as MARBLES, marble, clay, or glass. Most MARBLES have a very unique color combination, and even because of the uniqueness of these MARBLES are also sometimes collected.

ANCIENT EGYPTIAN civilization did have some very interesting to be discussed, one of them about the MARBLES. Yes Yes, this period (3000 BC) the MARBLES were made of clay. MARBLES is the oldest preserved in The British Museum in LONDON. The MARBLES were saved is estimated to be made in the tahhun 2000-1700 BC and is found in CRETE at the site of Minoan civilization of Petsofa. Later during the ROMANEmpire, the MARBLES were used in the festival of Saturnalia on Christmas day (Christmas offing ya, I ucapin dulu ah. Merry Christmas and happy new year for those who celebrate it. ...: D). After the incident in the 12th century the MARBLES are increasingly popular in mainland EUROPE. Every country has their titles each. In INDONESIA, each region also have different designations (INDONESIA is rich in culture ...: D). Until now any MARBLES was played by young INDONESIAN residing in rural areas. Why is this so? Because the INDONESIAN residing in urban areas is more interested in the Play Station, Nintendo, PSP, Laptop, Gaming Online, and so on.

Types of games that can be played with MARBLES were once diverse kind. Unfortunately I've forgotten: D. First time I was small, almost every type of game by using MARBLES I tried. But now I've rarely seen a small children play MARBLES in my area. Well hopefully this users still remains even until I'm old though. Don't just played during the August 17 (Race Day Kemedekaan INDONESIA) but should continue to be preserved by the kids today. I bepesan, COME on the YOUNGER GENERATION of TODAY WE PLAY TRADITIONAL GAMES, because of the TRADITIONAL GAME is NOT NECESSARILY out of date.

To better know about MARBLES, please click the link-links to the following:
"gundu" (MARBLES) (Indonesia)
run the MARBLES (Indonesia)
so miliader because of the MARBLES

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bungee jumping

likes to jump from a height? Like the extreme? Try this sport used to be .... Yep, BUNGEE JUMPING . The sport is challenging us to jump from a height of only with a piece of string tied around the foot. Want to try? When jumping rope will be bukan and retracts when the jumper will bounce up again. Springer will continue to experience the movement up and down until the rope stops moving.

The word Bungee was first used in 1930 which means removal of rubber.

This sport originated from MAORI tribes in NEW ZEALAND. The males there are required to perform these activities as an event. The event aims to test done the man you have been menganjak up. They want to test his courage. After that this sport has spread to mainland AUSTRALIA.

In the early 1950s was a man named David Attenborrough from the BBC brings the story of a man who jumped off the platform with a piece of string. From the film's Chris Baker from BRISTOL, England inspired to emulate. And then terkenalah the activity known as BUNGEE JUMPING.

Modern Bungee was first performed by the Dangerous Sports Club , chaired by David Kirke on April 1, 1979 at the Cliftonsuspension bridge. These activities are done by 4 people at a height of 250 feet. But not long after, they were caught and detained by local security officials.

After the incident the sport is spreading to the UNITED STATES. The Golden Gate bridge and the bridge of the Royal George. Gradually the sport is also spread to all parts of the world. And in 1982 took place interesting attractions, namely the Bungee Jump from a hot air balloon.

To better know about BUNGEE JUMPING, please click the link-links to the following:
Description (ID)
Description (English)

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